In a time of confusion, Oct. 7 was a moment of clarity.
Unless one is blind. Or asleep.
Those unspeakable atrocities point only to Satan,
his usual mask of peaceful piety absent.
Sometimes the sheepskin slips and a flash of the fangs are seen.
Let's not miss the message.
Evil all around us crouches, ready to strike,
held back only by divine restraints.
We must detect it, evade it, expose it, and sound the alarm.
But here's the shocker.
Evil lurks quietly in the shadows of our own hearts!
Like so many secret terrorists streaming through an open border,
wicked intruders have streamed into our unguarded minds.
Tolerance has led to treachery as slumbering conscience
allows the devil to set up shop in the holy temples of God!
In how many miles of hidden tunnels of the mind
have diabolical schemes been devised and armed
against the kingdom of the Holy One,
right there in the hearts of his own beloved.
HEY!!! Can you hear? Can you see?
Christian, it is high time to awake, to cast off
the works of darkness, to put on the armor of light,
and make no provision for the flesh,
to fulfill the lusts thereof.
May God help us, his slumbering children, to do so,
and dead ears to hear, as Lazarus, "Come forth!"
See Romans 13:11-14, and John 11:33-34.
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